Corporate Sponsor Needed for our new playground!
The Wildlife West Nature Park never rests! Did you know we have activities here all year? We have visitors all year who love animals and want to see our lovely little group of animal faces. But we want to offer more to our visitors — particularly the children.
We want to keep the little ones outside and active and provide them an opportunity to have fun, enjoy the company of other children and learn a few skills. We want to help the kids’ burn off some energy and get hungry for dinner! Plus, we want to offer mom and dad a little time to sit, watch and well, have the option to join in or do nothing.
To do this awesome thing, we need a sponsor (or several) to help this dream become a reality. What do we need?
Here’s a Wish List for our ideal play area for 5-11 year olds
•Safe and well-constructed playground equipment (like a swing set or slide)
•A sturdy and safe playground rope bridge
•Safe and weather-proof soft flooring
•A short “rock” climbing wall (for kids under 12)
•Benches for mom and dad to sit and watch
•Later on we want to add an enclosed play area for the toddlers
Want to Sponsor a wood bench? Great. We’ll carve your name in it!
Want to Sponsor the Rope Bridge? Awesome. We’ll put up a nice plaque in the play area with your name on it!
Want to donate money? We love that, too.
Want to volunteer to make a few calls to find a corporate sponsor? Maybe your company wants to have their name on our playground?
It’s tax deductible and a great thing to do anyway! Wildlife West is a 501-c-3 non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of New Mexico wildlife and its habitat through scientific research, education, and the partnership with our vendors, members and sponsors.
We have lots of ideas. Maybe you do too. Let us know! Our Wish List is always changing as donations come in, so call Roger first, because he’s on top of all these things at the Park.
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