Each donation or gift to the Wildlife West Nature Park helps us protect and comfort our animals, provide a facility for education, and provide a Park every visitor will enjoy.
Your gifts are tax deductible, and you can support the Park in many ways.
Donations of any size are welcome. Every dollar counts and we deeply appreciate your generosity.
Project and Event Sponsors
Big plans are in the works at Wildlife West for 2016! These Projects and Events will make the Park more interactive and fun for the whole family.
Memorial/Honorary Gifts and Planned Gifts
A gift in honor or memory of a friend, family member or beloved pet is a wonderful way to remember them while recognizing their passion for nature and animals. Planned gifts are made in bequests. You can help the animals by including us in your will or trust.
In-Kind Gift Donation
By donating a item from the Park’s “Wish List,” you will help the Park by providing the much needed supplies for our programs. Click here to view our wish list.
By becoming a member of the New Mexico Wildlife Association you make a life-changing contribution to our mission at Wildlife West Nature Park. Your generous contribution supports our enrichment programs and park events that make life at the Park a comforting experience for our animals. Memberships provide a regular income to the Park that greatly assists our planning and budgeting.
Corporate Partner and Sponsor
Each corporate partnership is customized to best meet a company’s need for community involvement, branding, client entertainment, marketing, public relations, and employee benefits such as Park membership discounts, volunteer opportunities, and free Park or event passes. Download Corporate Partnership information here. For more information, call: 505-281-7655 or email us at info@wildlifewest.org
Volunteering at Wildlife West is a rewarding experience for the volunteer and a invaluable asset to the Park. If you are interested in volunteering with us in any area, we’d love to work with you! Volunteers are always welcome and projects are underway every day of the week. If you could spare a few hours, please call (505)281-7655 now.